Monday, January 19, 2015

Red Equinox - by Douglas Wynne - Lovecraftian Horror done right

5 of 5 Stars     Review copy

Douglas Wynne takes on H. P. Lovecraft and scores big-time.  Kudos to Chuck Killorin on the cover art for Red Equinox.  If you read the story, you'll see just how fitting it is.

Set slightly in the future, Red Equinox, embraces the Lovecraftian mythos with all tentacles, but in a way that was not at all off-putting to those unfamiliar with what that is all about.

From beginning to end, there are treats for those who enjoy Lovecraft and a great story for all readers looking for a good horror tale.

It starts with a very strong opening... " Death has a way of calling us home. and when it does we put on our best.  Becca Phillips hadn't been to Arkham in years, hadn't worn a dress in almost as long, and now here she was, stepping off the train and feeling out of place in both."

There is plenty of horror in Red Equinox, plusa secret government agency called SPECTRA with ties to Limbus.  If you're familiar with Journastone's shared world series of the same name you'll get a kick out of that.

Having lived in Boston during my college years there were a number of little gems Douglas included for the locals.  "Dirty Water" by the Standells, makes an appearance and there's the story of the MIT fraternity that used Oliver R Smoot as a unit of measurement.  I hadn't heard that one in more than forty years.

This is the third Douglas Wynne novel I've read, all great and each unique.  The only thing they've have in common is a comfortable writing style, memorable characters, and strong stories.

Red Equinox is available now, both as a paperback and in a variety of ebook formats. You can get your copy from the Journastone website or through

Highly recommended, even if you're not a Lovecraft fan.

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