Friday, July 15, 2016

The Awakening- by Brett McBean - A wonderfully dark coming of age story

5 of 5 Stars     Review copy

"In the small Midwestern town of Belford, an old man sat gazing out the window."  From this very simple beginning comes a story of friendship, loss, first love, and getting to know the truth about others and yourself.

Sometimes, within the first few pages of a new book, you know you're reading something special.  This is one of those times.

The Awakening is on par with Stephen King's story, The Body, which was the basis of the movie "Stand By Me." It is a story that, at times made me chuckle and also brought me to tears, more than once.  When the truth is revealed, it was unexpected and enlightening.  An epic tale of the Summer between Middle School and High School.  A Summer which changes young Toby Fairchild forever.

Brett McBean really managed to capture the spirit of life in a small town and the dialog involving the fourteen-year-olds in his book was exceptional.

"'Yeah, well, after tomorrow, we won't have to worry about getting beaten up by Dwayne.'  Frankie threw a few clumsy punches.

'It takes a lot longer than one day to become a boxer,' Toby said.

'Yeah, but I'm super good.  Like Muhammad Ali, I'm gonna float like a butterfly and sting like a bee!' He threw some more punches.

'More like float like an elephant and sting like a poodle.'"

The Awakening didn't exactly end the way I wanted it too, but the author's choice resulted in a much better story.

I had been wanting to read Brett McBean for sometime and this was a good introduction.  It certainly won't be the last time I read his work.

Originally published as a signed, limited edition book, which can be purchased on the secondary market for hundreds of dollars.  Thankfully, The Awakening will be released on August 15th, 2016 as as a trade paperback and e-book, from Bloodshot Books so everyone can read this amazing work. The Awakening is available now for pre-order.  Plus, if you subscribe to Kindle Unlimited you'll be able to read it at no additional charge and if you're an Amazon Prime member, you'll be able to borrow it for FREE through the Kindle Owners Lending Library.

Brett McBean is an award-winning horror and thriller author who lives in Melbourne, Australia with his wife and daughter.


  1. Thanks again for the great review, Frank. I have even better news for everyone. The paperback went live on Amazon on the 20th and the Kindle version hits the virtual shelves on Tuesday, July 26th.

  2. I forgot to give you the links.

    Trade pb -

    Kindle -

  3. To start with, it is imperative to distinguish that the true alive God articulated of in A Course in Miracles is a non-dualistic Being, in Whom undeniably no contraries reside. The Holy One is the Creator of all life, a Being of clean Love and the Foundation and First Cause of non-physical truth and totality, the flawless One Who is all-encompassing, outside of Whom is factually nothing, for He is Everything. Our Source's nature can’t be defined or really understood at all, as Jesus’s explanations in the workbook:

    Oneness is simply the idea God is. And in His Being, He encompasses all things. No mind holds anything but Him. We say "God is," and then we cease to speak, for in that knowledge words are meaningless. There are no lips to speak them, and no part of mind sufficiently distinct to feel that it is now aware of something not itself. It has united with its Source. And like its Source Itself, it merely
