Thursday, July 16, 2015

Cities and Thrones: Recoletta Book 2 - by Carrie Patel - Somewhat disappointing

3 of 5 Stars     Review copy

Cities and Thrones is the sequel to Carrie Patel's enjoyable debut novel, The Buried Life.  Both volumes are set in a time where many have chosen to live below the Earth's surface.  The fictional city of Recoletta, like all modern cities, had been constructed around the two values that society prizes most, security and privacy.

It's been a number of weeks since a coup occurred in Recoletta, Jane Lin and Fredrick Anders find themselves as refugees in the communes.  Meanwhile, back in the city, those who have stayed behind are doing their best to restore order under the leadership of Sato who lead the takeover.

I have to say, I liked book 1 better.  In The Buried Life all of this was fresh and new.  In Cities and Thrones there was a lot of espionage and intrigue, but for me, there seemed to be something lacking. I found myself not caring about any of the characters or the story, for that matter.

In the end, there were enough unanswered questions that there could be a third book, but if that happens, I don't think I'll be taking the time to read it.

Cities and Thrones is available now in paperback and ebook versions from Angry Robot Books.  As always in these situations, your mileage may vary.

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