Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Dark Lightning: Fifty Flashes of Fearsome Fiction - by Kevin G. Bufton - A lot of short short stories and a few of them are really good

3.5 of 5 Stars    Review copy

There is a very real challenge to writing flash fiction.  How does one manage to create a beginning, middle and an end to a story in such an economy of words?  Sometimes in fewer than 100 words?  Think it's easy?  Try it sometime.

Author, Kevin G. Bufton, manages to pull off this feat quite often in this collection of flash fiction.

Dark Lightning: Fifty Flashes of Fearsome Fiction, aside from flirting with some dangerous alliteration in the title, runs the gamut of the horror genre, from humorous to creepy to downright disgusting.  The problem, for me, was that for every gem I found there were two or three stories that were just common stones.

In the world of flash fiction, sometimes less is more, yet sometimes more could be more, as I occasionally found myself thinking, I wonder where the author could have taken this in a longer piece?

Overall, I'm glad I got to read Dark Lightning: Fifty Flashes of Fearsome Fiction and could certainly recommend it as a bedside companion when you a need a few quick stories before nodding off for the night. Who knows, they may give you some nightmares, and that's always a good thing, right?

Dark Lightning: Fifty Flashes of Fearsome Fiction is available now at

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